Miller Music has THOUSANDS of NEW music titles!
Come by TODAY and browse new titles including lesson books, wind instrument method books, piano, organ, keyboard, guitar, drums, banjo, mandolin, harmonica, recorder, ukulele, dulcimer, recorder, accordian, bagpipes, violin, viola, cello and much, much more!
Come by TODAY and browse new titles including lesson books, wind instrument method books, piano, organ, keyboard, guitar, drums, banjo, mandolin, harmonica, recorder, ukulele, dulcimer, recorder, accordian, bagpipes, violin, viola, cello and much, much more!
Black Friday Sale Pricing on All Instruments! Open 10 am to 7 pm
Including Band Instruments, Guitars, Organs and All Grand Pianos, Consoles, Spinets.
Something in every price range! Just tell us what you like!
Brands include: Yamaha, Weber, Baldwin, Young Chang, Kimball, Wurlitzer, Kohler & Campbell, Samick, Story & Clark, Conn, Knabe, Cable and many more. A few photos of the pianos available for sale are listed above with many more in store.
All instruments are priced right with free delivery, and free in-home tuning a with every purchase.
Financing with low monthly payments available with approved credit and we also accept: Personal Checks, Cash, Mastercard, Visa, Discover & American Express
Come by today for best selection to see these great pianos and start playing today!!!
For more information about this great sale, contact Steve Miller at 618-277-2002
Black Friday Sale Pricing on All Instruments! Open 10 am to 7 pm
Including Band Instruments, Guitars, Organs and All Grand Pianos, Consoles, Spinets.
Something in every price range! Just tell us what you like!
Brands include: Yamaha, Weber, Baldwin, Young Chang, Kimball, Wurlitzer, Kohler & Campbell, Samick, Story & Clark, Conn, Knabe, Cable and many more. A few photos of the pianos available for sale are listed above with many more in store.
All instruments are priced right with free delivery, and free in-home tuning a with every purchase.
Financing with low monthly payments available with approved credit and we also accept: Personal Checks, Cash, Mastercard, Visa, Discover & American Express
Come by today for best selection to see these great pianos and start playing today!!!
For more information about this great sale, contact Steve Miller at 618-277-2002
Come by and see our great selection of musical instruments and Huge Selection of Music.
Miller Music, Inc.
4510 N. Illinois St., Ste. 3
Swansea, IL 62226
Monday 10 am - 7 pm
Tuesday 10 am - 7 pm
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Thursday 10 am - 7 pm
Friday 10 am - 7 pm
Saturday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sunday - 1 p.m. - 5 pm.
(618) 277-2002

Attention all Teachers!
We have one of the largest selections of music in the Metro East, if we don't have the books you use, we can order anything and usually get them in about 3 days. We welcome your special request and would be glad to order any books for your students.
Email us with your order and put in the subject line:
Include your name and phone number and we will pull all the books we have in stock and order any we don't have in, at the time. We will notify you when your entire order is ready for pickup!!!
If we do not acknowledge that we received your order within 2 business days after placing your order, by return email or phone, call Miller Music at (618) 277-2002 and we will take the order over the phone.
Special Note about ordering music: We place music orders twice a week. The order we place on Monday morning will arrive on Thursday, of that same week. When we place the order on Thursday morning it will arrive on the following Monday. Try to place your orders using this schedule and you will never be without books for your students.
We have one of the largest selections of music in the Metro East, if we don't have the books you use, we can order anything and usually get them in about 3 days. We welcome your special request and would be glad to order any books for your students.
Email us with your order and put in the subject line:
Include your name and phone number and we will pull all the books we have in stock and order any we don't have in, at the time. We will notify you when your entire order is ready for pickup!!!
If we do not acknowledge that we received your order within 2 business days after placing your order, by return email or phone, call Miller Music at (618) 277-2002 and we will take the order over the phone.
Special Note about ordering music: We place music orders twice a week. The order we place on Monday morning will arrive on Thursday, of that same week. When we place the order on Thursday morning it will arrive on the following Monday. Try to place your orders using this schedule and you will never be without books for your students.
Convenience and service make us the largest source for print music in
St. Louis Metro East.
St. Louis Metro East.
Find us right behind Johnny Mac's Sporting Goods and Hokkaido's Restaurant on Hwy 159 at the front entrance or next to Grand Manor Senior Living from the Frank Scott Parkway and Smelting Works Rd back entrance.